I intend to change starting January 1st and, like I've stated, it is not because I currently do not like who I am. It is more because I will change whether I take control of my life or not. We all start pure with our paths in life, more or less, undefined. We begin wearing unfiltered glasses to help us see the world for the first time. As we meet new people, learn new skills and have new experiences we grow. Our heart and mind hold on to these items and films cover our once clear lenses. I don't think it's worth the effort, or possible in most circumstances, to wipe off this coating. That layer has been built for a reason and it now changes how you see your world so that you can become more of yourself. This allows for you to see a flower and a wall and a baby different than I do. Based on what you were born with and what has happened to you since that day, we will never be the same. And that is beautiful!
What a wonderful opportunity that we all have to share our views with someone else and enhance their perspective. I see perspective as this... Imagine if I was born on an island where I have to stay forever but my view is always staring at the Caribbean sea and you in similar circumstances but staring at the rolling hills of Ireland. Each view stunning in their own regard, but wouldn't it be amazing to see both? In this analogy, we can't leave. Just as we can't truly alter how our minds see our world. However, sharing perspective allows us to do just that. I may never leave my island, but my friend could share the shades of emerald shining from that Irish land and I could appreciate more of the world thanks to them.
Every single one of us are our own being and every day we evolve more and more into who we will become. There is no end game, there is only what you put out into the universe and how you help shape others into their potential selves. A year from now, I will not be who I am today and I intend to grab onto the wheel with two hands.
I've defined my next 12 months based on categories where I've found opportunity and I am excited. Truly. 22 years old and here I am grabbin life. I am technically lying in bed, but my mind is all that little girl standing on the bathroom counter shouting about how much she loves her life into the mirror. She gets it. Life IS freaking great if you just take a second to appreciate the little things, like loving up on your haircut and pajamas. I am not overly religious or spiritual, but to some extent I believe there is a purpose for all of us already defined. I believe each of us has someone at the end of our lives who we COULD become. Someone who has faced countless set backs, but has accomplished more than our now selves could ever even dream of accomplishing. BUT I don't believe that everyone becomes that person. Becoming someone we will be proud of is hard and terrifying.
I have a good idea of what I want to see in the mirror at the end of my life. What I would have liked to have achieved so that the wrinkled eyes staring back at me are proud of the life I've lived. I like to live with that mindset, that the only person I am trying to impress is that woman. Every set back I face, I let her be my motivation. Some find it lonely once they realize that the only person who will always understand and be there for them until their last breath is their self.. but I find calm in knowing she will be there in the end.
Next month, I'll let my body do the talking... More details to come. But now that's enough about glasses, it's time to fill mine with champagne!
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